Kamis, 02 September 2010

Russion Politics and Society

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Richard Sakwa
Routledge, 2008 - 585 pages

Having been fully revised and updated to reflect the considerable changes in Russia, the fourth edition of this classic introduction to Russian politics and society builds on the strengths of the previous editions to provide a comprehensive and sophisticated analysis. New to this edition: updating of all statistical data including the 2002 census, regional and national election results and the composition of parliament more analysis of the executive and the legislative discussion of the development of civil society and the problems of democratic consolidation fuller examination of the policy-making process and policy problems details on economic performance under Putin, including more discussion of the energy sector and pipeline politics latest developments in the Chechnya conflict more on foreign policy issues such as Russiaa??s relationship with NATO and the EU afterenlargement, Russiaa??s relations with other post-Soviet states and the problem of competing a??near abroadsa?? for Russia and the West. Russian Politics and Society will be essential reading for students of Russian and Soviet politics, sociology, Eastern European politics, and politics and international relations in general.

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