Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010

Partisan Politics in the Global Economy

CLICK HERE or click this following addres, to get this free book
http://www.ziddu.com/download/11187802/PartisanPoliticsinTheGlobalEconomy.PDF.htmlGeoffrey Garrett

Cambridge University Press, 1998 - 185 pages
This book discusses the future of the nation-state in a world of global markets. Unlike most studies asserting that global markets dominate national politics, this book argues that countries still possess considerable autonomy over policy choices. Furthermore, citizens' demands for government protection from market forces (economic insecurity) are rising, while countries with strong trade union movements that can restrain the wage demands of workers (corporatism) are attractive to investors. As a result, there is still a viable leftist alternative to the free market in the global economy.

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